Webinar: Fully-coupled 3D CFD engine simulations with the Nonlinear Harmonic Method

LIVE NEXT WEDNESDAY: An excellent opportunity to ask our experts your questions about turbomachinery simulation!

This week’s topic: The development of a full-engine 3D CFD simulation framework, from compressor inlet to exhaust hood, using one single tool. Simulations with the Nonlinear Harmonic Method (NLH) can provide high fidelity results with proper capturing of unsteady flows and inter-component interaction effects with a significant speed-up when compared to traditional full-unsteady methods.

During this webinar we will cover:

  • An introduction to traditional full engine simulation and modelling approaches;
  • NUMECA’s methodology for fully-coupled 3D CFD engine simulations;
  • A case study of the unsteady aerodynamic analysis of the KJ66 MGT using the Nonlinear Harmonic Method presented in the 2019 ASME TurboExpo Conference;
  • What’s to come on NUMECA tools for turbomachinery simulations