NUMECA Lifehack Focus on Optimisation

Tipps and Tricks by the NUMECA Team

Optimisation is an important topic in our office. That’s why we decided to focus on optimisation in the coming weeks. In the first video of our Lifehack series, we will give a brief overview of the whole process, motivation and some case studies.

In the upcoming lifehacks, we will focus on each step of the optimisation process, i.e. parameterisation, database generation and data mining.

We are also happy to receive feedback on our Lifehacks. What do you think about the idea and the format in general, and which additional topic are you interestet in? Because we are constantly working on this format. We publish the latest hack in our monthly newsletter. Subscribe here, and you will never miss a Lifehack.

And as always, have fun watching and doing it yourself!


Navier & Stokes vs. von Mises: Optimisation of a Radial Compressor

English spoken

A continuous trend toward reliable and cost-efficient design as well as challenges of environmental regulations force engineers and designers to push the boundaries during the development phase. Automated design optimisation is a key approach to facilitate this process and explore new regions of the design space.

In this webinar, we present a workflow for multi-disciplinary design optimisation considering aspects of both the compressor stage performance and structural integrity.

Patrick Shoemaker

Lifehack #28.1

Focus on Optimisation: Introduction

English spoken

First video of our lifehack series which focus on optimisation. The introduction gives a brief overview of the whole process, the motivation and some example cases.

Lifehack #28.2

Focus on Optimisation: Workflow & Screening Project

English spoken

In the second video, we take a closer look at the workflow. To do this, we give a brief introduction to creating a screening project. We explain the advantages of this approach.

Lifehack #28.3

Focus on Optimisation: Parametrisation


In the third part of our Lifehack series on optimisation. We take a closer look at the parametrisation. Patrick Shoemaker explains the most critical points you should keep in mind when you set up your parametric model.

Lifehack #28.4

Focus on Optimisation: Database


In the fourth part of the series, we have a closer look at the database generation. What is it, and why do we need it for an optimisation? These are only the first questions to examine. We also discuss what you should consider when creating a database and how to check its quality.

Lifehack #28.5

Focus on Optimisation: Optimisation Algorithm


This is the fifth video in our Lifehack series and we take a closer look at the optimisation algorithm itself.

Lifehack #28.6

Focus on Optimisation: Post Processing & Analysis


The last part of our life hack series Focus-on-Optimisation is released, and it is a crucial part of the whole process. We focus on post-processing and analysis. Monitoring is essential for ongoing, and data mining for following optimisation projects. Understanding the complex interrelationships between parameters, objectives, and constraints will help improve the setup for further optimisation.

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